Roey Ficaro


Instructor Interviews

With Roey Ficaro

How were you first introduced to yoga?

  • I heard about a woman teaching yoga in the library of my kids primary school.  It was in the 80’s and something I wanted to experience.  My friend & I went, it was evening when we entered the darkened library with candles and 6 mexican blankets were laid out.  We meditated and practiced yoga to some very cool Indian music..I remember floating home feeling a very new feeling of connection &  peacefullness like never before

What made you decide to move beyond being a student to become a teacher?

  • I began a search for yoga classes..there were very few back then. I found a studio not far from where I lived in Westchester Called Katonah Yoga. The teacher Nevine Michaan taught Hatha Yoga combined with Taoist Theory & Sacred Geometry. Nevine took me under her wing and I became hooked.  We were an amazing little community where I made lifelong connections. My exploration of the yoga world brought me to many trainings at Kripalu & Omega.  I met my next teacher few teachers at a yoga  journal conference in Kripalu where I went often. Todd Norian was one who trained me in Yoga Therapy & my 1st teacher training cert. I later met John Friend there as well. He was not well known at the time but inspired me to follow him into the Anusara system of yoga & became my main teacher for many years. I followed him all over the country participating in his many trainings to eventually get certified by in Anusara. I also became a Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy Mentor & Practitioner. I am grateful to all my teachers including Judith Lasater, Sally Kempton, Gurumayi, Douglas Brooks, Rodney Yee, Amy Ipolitti & others.

What were you doing before you taught yoga? 

  • I worked as a clinical social worker in middle & high schools years after obtaining my Masters from Columbia & eventually landed at SUNY Purchase where I started a Wellness Center for students in need of substance abuse counseling using yoga/meditation as a prevention modality. I also had a  part time private psychotherapy practice which I continue to this day.  My teacher always said “don't give up your day job” Great advice especially now! I was very fortunate to find a way to combine the two.

How has your yoga practice changed since you began? 

  • My personal practice has changed as my age and body have changed into an older & wiser self. I still maintain a challenging practice with much more ease in my poses in order avoid injury. Restorative & Meditation has helped my body/mind/spirit in so many ways. Especially in these challenging times!

Is there a particular aspect of yoga you are especially intrigued with right now?

  • I am intrigued right now with any yoga that keeps me out of activation.  Restorative, Sound Therapy, Meditation & Movement where I can jump around, dance, sweat to shift out of negative energy especially in the past 8 months of so much divisiveness, isolation, depression & anxiety.

What else have you studied in depth?

  • My clinical work with psychotherapy clients has inspired me to study many different modalities over many years to help facilitate my own personal healing in order to be more effective as a practitioner with clients. Studying & becoming certified in Restorative Yoga, Hypnotherapy, Somatic Experience Trauma work, Aromatherapy, Reiki, Shamanic Work, Yogic Philosophy, Family Systems & Past Life has added many tools into my clinical toolbox.

What are some of your other practices or passions?

  • I love working with essential oils and became certified as an aromatherapist.  This passion turned into a small business of creating products I call skin food. Sea Gypsy Botanicals consist of Body Polish, Gypsy Body Oil, Face Serum, Germ Fighter, Aromatherapy blends & more which I sell at Springs Farmers Market & some small shops locally.  I also love Golfing, Boating & Paddle-boarding.  

When you really need grounding what do you do?

  • Playing with my dogs or grandkids, swimming in the ocean or bay, my yoga/Meditation practice, jumping on my little boat Sea Gypsy for a cruise on our beautiful Gardiners Bay or paddle-boarding with water below & sky above.  Immersing myself in nature in any way I can does it every time! I am blessed with all the choices all around me.

Anything else you'd like to share?

  • I feel so grateful to live by the water where I can sit and feel nature with all my senses.….it is my healing place where I can connect with myself at a deeper level and with the bigger energy as it embraces & heals my mind/body/spirit. 

Thank you


InstructorsAgnes Pompeii