Neti Pot "How-To"

Neti Pot is great to use when there is sinus congestion and can also be useful in clearing dead flu and virus cells out of your sinuses.  

In a small teapot shaped “neti pot” put warm water and 1/8 tsp of fine salt.  Tilt your head to one side over the sink so that the top nostril is directly over the bottom one.  Keep your mouth up for easier flow while you pour the salt water into the top nostril and it comes out the bottom. Blow your nose after each side. 

PLEASE NOTE: Only do neti pot when you have excess mucus flowing or your nose is full of boogies.  If you have inflammation and it’s hard to breathe but there are no boogies the salt water will only create more inflammation and irritation.  In this case using nasya oil - an herbalized sesame oil - is a better choice.

Nasya Oil

It is recommended to put a few drops in each nostril every morning to lubricate the nasal passages. You can drip directly from the bottle or put a few drops on a clean pinky finger and sniff it in.  Do not use nasya oil directly before or after using the neti pot.  

Agnes PompeiiSinus Support